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Quotebroker Insurance Services Blog

Why it may be time to adjust your homeowner’s policy

Are you a homeowner in the greater Santa Clarita, CA area? The team at QuoteBroker Insurance Services is here to help you ensure that your homeowner’s policy is up to date. If it’s been a while since you have taken a close look at your policy, give us a call today and set up a review.

Is it time to adjust your homeowner’s policy?

The main reason you will need to adjust your homeowner’s policy is if you do a major upgrade to your home. People who put an addition on their home or complete a kitchen or bathroom update will have different insurance needs at the completion of those projects. These are just a few obvious examples, but here are other triggers that can create the need for a policy adjustment.

Our homes are likely our greatest investments, and it’s important to protect them. As you build equity in your house, it becomes an even more significant part of your overall financial portfolio. Additionally, in most markets, your home will gain value as time goes by. Whether you have made any significant improvements to your house or not, it’s important that your policy keeps pace with the house’s intrinsic asset value.

Find out more about your homeowner policy options today!

QuoteBroker Insurance Services is here to serve the insurance needs of the residents of Santa Clarita, CA. We understand that insurance policy review is a task that can easily fall through the cracks. Call or stop by today and let us help you take care of this important step in protecting your family home!

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Options

If you are a business owner, workers’ compensation insurance can cover both you and your employees against losses outside of either of your control. It is mandatory to have this insurance in the state of California. We listed below what options there are within workers’ compensation insurance, and what workers and your company might need. 

Want to look into your current or new workers’ compensation cover, or want to receive more information on whether you need, or what you need? QuoteBroker Insurance Services in Santa Clarita, CA proudly offers quotes to businesses for workers’ compensation insurance. These can be customized to you and your business needs. 

What does workers’ compensation insurance cover?

Workers’ compensation insurance covers the loss of funds for your employee. By claiming on your insurance, this means you as an employer can cover these costs for them without having to pay this money out of your own pocket. 

Workers’ compensation insurance is usually something you as an employer would claim in the case of a workplace-related accident. Whether this was negligence or an accident, if the employee needs time off to recover from their injury or has medical costs to cover, this can usually come out of workers’ compensation insurance rather than from the employer or the company’s wallet. 

Not only does workers’ compensation insurance cover against time off for an employee or their medical costs, but it can also help you cover costs in case this employee sues you.

Are you ready to look into workers’ compensation insurance further? Pick up the phone and call QuoteBroker Insurance Services in Santa Clarita, CA. You can also request to compare quotes on our website.  

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work?

Umbrella insurance is a type that covers you against a number of adverse situations. It works alongside both your auto and home insurance policies to give you more protection. Without this coverage, you may someday find yourself trying to come up with large amounts of money, or you may even be sued. If you’re interested in umbrella insurance, give us a call right away at QuoteBroker Insurance Services in Santa Clarita, CA.

Umbrella and Auto Insurance

If you already have an auto insurance policy, umbrella insurance can make it even stronger. With your auto insurance, you have an amount of liability coverage in case you cause an accident and there are medical and property bills that are due. However, the state minimum amount for liability insurance that you have in your auto policy might not be enough for a serious accident. If you get an umbrella policy, this adds to your auto liability coverage so that you are far less likely to be sued and can pay for even very serious accidents. 

Umbrella and Home Insurance

Just as umbrella insurance gives you more auto liability coverage, it does the same for your home insurance policy. Home policies come with a small amount of liability coverage in case someone gets injured in your home. However, this amount is too small to pay for serious injuries. If you get an umbrella policy, it will add to your home liability coverage so that you can pay for even serious injuries without being sued by the injured person. 

Get Umbrella Coverage

If you have both a home and an auto policy, an umbrella policy can add liability coverage to both of them. To find out more about this type of coverage, call us at QuoteBroker Insurance Services in Santa Clarita, CA for more information. 

When is it Time to Update Your California Commercial Insurance Policy?

When you are running a business in California, you will have a number of worries on your mind on any given day. At the same time, you will be updating and upgrading your business on a regular basis in an effort to increase your revenue stream. When you are doing this, you’ll want to think about updating your California commercial insurance policy.

But when?

At QuoteBroker Insurance Services, we help Santa Clarita, CA business owners keep their commercial insurance policies up to date, and thorough. Here’s when you need to update yours.

Upgrades to Locations or Property

If you are making any updates at all to your space or building, you will need to make sure that those changes will be insured. Your existing commercial policy is covering a certain amount of space and buildings, and any changes will need to be covered as well.

When you are renovating, changing address, downsizing or upsizing in any way, or even adding a new computer system or network, you need insurance. 

You’ll need to update your commercial insurance policy when you update anything in your building or contents because you’ll want them covered. If you own the property, your insurance company may require it.

You Change the Plan of your Business

When you change the entire scope of your business, you’ll need to update your policy. Your California commercial insurance policy covers certain things. When those things change, you need to update the policy, or at least update your insurance broker.

If you are selling new products or doing something entirely different from what you started out with, you’ll need a new commercial insurance policy. Should you change management, add a board of directions, or alter the function of the business in any way, you should update your policy or purchase more insurance.

Get a Quote

When you are making changes to your business, you’ll need changes to your California commercial insurance. At QuoteBroker Insurance Services, we want Santa Clarita, CA business owners to feel secure with thorough commercial insurance policies. Call us for a quote to update your plans today.

Never Be Confused About Worker’s Compensation Again

Worker’s compensation insurance is a complex topic that we at QuoteBroker Insurance Services understand perfectly well. Our team can help your Santa Clarita, CA business understand the unique issues impacting this unique coverage option.

How Does Workers Compensation Insurance Work?

Worker’s compensation insurance is something that all employers must pay to provide a fund for injured or sick employees. To start, you must:

  • Set up an insurance policy based on state laws 
  • Pay into your insurance fund for each employee 
  • Draw out of that fund when they are injured 

This simple operation means that your worker’s compensation insurance is surprisingly affordable and easy to integrate into a variety of different insurance needs. But what kind of problems does it cover? Let’s look at a few of the most commonly covered issues to give you an idea.

What is Covered?

Your policy covers any harm caused to your employees due to their job duties. These injuries or sicknesses can vary according to the type of work they do, including:

  • Worker injuries caused by slips and falls in your job
  • Recovery from work-related car crashes 
  • Surgery for conditions caused by work 
  • Severe infections or illnesses due to chemicals or toxins 

In this way, high-quality worker’s compensation insurance will make sure that your employees are covered. Just remember – any injury or illness caused at work by their duties will be covered by insurance. And your payments are made directly out of your insurance fund. This means that you don’t have to pay extra money to keep your workers in good financial health.

Where Can I Buy a Policy?

If you think that worker’s compensation is critical for your business, please contact us at QuoteBroker Insurance Services right away to learn more. We serve the Santa Clarita, CA, area and strive to provide our customers with high-quality help.

Benefits of Classic Car Insurance

Purchasing a classic car is satisfying and an excellent way of adding something unique and classy to your collection of vehicles. That is why you need to get classic car insurance for the accompanying protection. With that said, QuoteBroker Insurance Services takes the residents of Santa Clarita, CA through some of the benefits they can enjoy if they purchase car insurance.

It is Affordable

You may be surprised at how affordable classic car insurance is. One of the requirements of classic car insurance is that the car is not used as your daily means to commute to work or run errands. In addition, most classic car owners drive carefully and only once in a while. This is what makes the coverage affordable compared to traditional auto insurance.

Protects the Value of the Car

Another reason to get classic car insurance is that it helps preserve value. Unlike other cars that depreciate in value as they are used, a classic car either preserves value or adds value with time. When you purchase classic car insurance, you enter an agreement with the insurance company on the replacement value of the car, which is a guarantee when your car is either stolen or totaled.

Liability Coverage

Another benefit of classic car insurance is the liability coverage it provides. Just like you need liability insurance to operate the type of car, it also applies to a classic car. This not only ensures you are complying with the law, but it ensures you are covered as well in case there is an accident.

There are many benefits you can enjoy when you purchase classic car insurance in Santa Clarita, CA area. Since this type of insurance is somewhat complex compared to traditional auto insurance, it is suitable to work with a great team like QuoteBroker Insurance Services. Our team is ready to help you acquire the right policy that meets your needs.

Why should someone get recreational insurance in Santa Clarita?

Those that are in the Santa Clarita, CA area are going to want to enjoy this area of California as much as they can. One way that you can do this is by getting a recreational vehicle, which will allow you to enjoy all the local parks and recreational activities in the area. If you decide to get a recreational vehicle, you will want to have the right insurance for it. You need to have this coverage for a few reasons. 

Covers the Vehicle

A reason to have a recreational insurance plan is so you can protect your vehicle. Any type of recreational vehicle will come with an investment that will include the purchase and maintenance of the vehicle. To ensure that this investment pays off, you will want to have insurance to protect it. Proper recreational coverage will give the support needed to replace or fix the asset in a variety of situations.

Liability Support

Recreational vehicle owners should be aware of the liability risk that they take on. If they operate one of these vehicles, they can be held liable if they cause an accident that results in damages or injuries. Fortunately, this risk can be mitigated by getting the right coverage. A full recreational insurance plan will give the appropriate liability support to help mitigate this risk. 

Anyone that lives in the Santa Clarita, CA area and would like to get a recreational vehicle should ensure they carry the right insurance for it. The team with QuoteBroker Insurance Services can help you assess your different insurance needs and coverage options. QuoteBroker Insurance Services will offer the support needed to build a plan that will ensure that you and your recreational vehicle continue to be properly covered with an insurance plan. 

Why do landlords in Santa Clarita frequently require renters insurance?

The Santa Clarita, CA area is a great place for people to move to. The nice weather, local amenities, and other advantages can offer a great quality of life. If you move to this area, you may consider renting before committing to a home purchase and mortgage. If you do rent here, you will likely be required to have renters insurance. There are a few reasons why landlords in this area typically require that their tenants carry this coverage.

Provides Liability Protection

A key reason that the landlord will want you to have renters insurance is it offers liability protection. If you are renting an apartment from a landlord and you make a mistake that causes damage to your unit or another property, your renter’s insurance plan will offer coverage to pay for the damages. This will ensure that you have the capacity to make repairs and pay for damages that could arise.

Protects Tenant Assets

Your landlord will also want you to have renters insurance to ensure that your personal assets are protected. If there is ever a fire, theft, bad weather, or other situation that results in you losing your personal assets, you will want to be reimbursed for your loss. If you are covered with renters insurance, it will ensure that you can work with your insurance provider for reimbursement. 

A Santa Clarita, CA renter will almost always need to have renters insurance when moving into a new home. If you are shopping for a new insurance plan in this area, it would be wise to call QuoteBroker Insurance Services. The team with QuoteBroker Insurance Services can answer your questions and ensure that you have the support you need to choose a new plan. 

Auto Insurance: Limited Liability Versus Full Coverage

One of the most important considerations when choosing an auto insurance plan is taking out full coverage or a limited liability insurance plan. Your choice may have a major impact on the cost of your insurance plan as well as what is covered in the event of an accident or another incident.

That’s why we’re going to take a look at limited liability versus full coverage auto plans. However, if you have any questions or need help, you can reach out to QuoteBroker Insurance Services, which serves customers in California.

Limited Liability Insurance Explained

Many states require that drivers carry limited liability insurance, at the very least. This insurance will cover other people should they be injured in a car accident. Limited liability insurance may also cover the cost of property damage, including to another driver’s car.

As the name implies, however, limited liability insurance is “limited.” Generally speaking, limited liability insurance will not cover damage to your own car in the event of an accident. Limited liability insurance may not cover weather damage. If a storm knocks a tree over and it lands on your car, your limited liability insurance may not pay for damages.

In California, drivers must carry limited liability insurance that covers at least $15,000 in injuries to another single person, $30,000 in total injury coverage for all other people, and $5,000 in coverage for property damage.

Full Coverage Insurance

Many drivers opt for full coverage insurance. Not only does it usually cover everything that limited liability insurance covers, it typically provides extra coverage. If your car is damaged in an accident, your insurance company may reimburse you, for example.

You can also purchase coverage to cover your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged during a storm or other weather event. This provides peace of mind and may save you from some costly bills.

California residents can contact QuoteBroker Insurance Services to learn which type of insurance is best for them.

What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

If you are looking for a policy to protect your business, commercial insurance should be your first choice. But with the various requirements and coverage options for companies based within Santa Clarita, CA, a simple consultation can be a tricky ordeal, especially for first-time policy seekers. QuoteBroker Insurance Services highlights some essential items covered by commercial insurance to help with this.

Work-Related Injury

Accidents at the workplace often happen when you least expect them to, with some resulting in lawsuits. If your employees suffer any work-related injuries, workers’ compensation coverage offsets any medical costs for treating injuries and any legal fees you incur after unexpected mishaps.

Property Damage

If you or your employees get into an accident, commercial policies such as auto insurance will help pay for the costs of repair or replacement of your business vehicle. Other options such as commercial property insurance will offset any expenses you incur when your office equipment and items, such as furniture, get destroyed during events such as fire outbreaks.

Cyber Threats

Data breaches are a growing concern for businesses who store their data online, with cyber hacks estimated to cost businesses massive losses. To help keep your business out of such threats, cyber insurance provides coverage to companies that experience data breaches while also covering data retrieval costs. If you also experience legal damages from such an incident, cyber coverage takes care of your legal fees, along with any costs related to securing your site.

General Liability

Businesses may occasionally need to combine property damage and bodily injury into a single policy, an area that general liability insurance covers. In addition to this, general liability will also provide coverage when slander and libel claims occur, making it a worthwhile option for Santa Clarita, CA businesses.

For more information on how to protect your business from the above-listed emergencies, consider giving QuoteBroker Insurance Services a call. Our agents will take you through our vast range of commercial insurance options and guide you to your desired selection.

Business Insurance

  • General Liability
  • Commercial Property
  • Workers Compensation
  • Group Health
  • Professional Liability (E&O)
  • Bonds
  • Commercial Auto
  • Business Owners Policies (BOP)


Partner Carriers

  • Aegis
  • Aetna
  • Aflac
  • AIG
  • American Modern
  • Amtrust
  • Anthem
  • Assurant
  • Berkshire
  • Blue Cross
  • Cigna
  • Foremost
  • Health Net
  • kemper
  • MetLife
  • Nationwide
  • Safeco
  • Travelers
  • USLI
  • Zurich